The Shadow's Keep

World Lore and Setting: Iaphorea is a medieval fantasy realm where magic and magical beings exist. Centuries ago the lands were awash with magical beings and magic users abusing their powers and waging wars all over, decimating the lands and people. The four most powerful factions at the time, the Dragonsbrood, Faekin, Greenskins (Orc and goblins) and The Hive (a dwarf-human alliance), met and agreed upon a truce. They all collaborated and set about creating a prison to hold and bind any criminal went against the truce or had committed atrocities during the war. After centuries, the prisons original purpose was lost and is now used to imprison any and all criminals who can weld any kind of magic.Shadow's Keep: is a large castle made from brimstone, situated on an island in the centre of a perpetual storm made of chaos magic that deters any passing ships from getting near. The only entrance is through a portal governed by The Council who pass the prison sentence. The prison is specifically for magical beings and magic users who have committed crimes or have been imprisoned for various reasons. The prison is made with different levels, the more grave the crime/reason, the lower level they go, most levels are underground, some go so deep they are forgotten about. Every inmate wears an enchanted collar inscribed with a permanent spell of 'Silence', keeping all magic from being used by their wearer. The prison is fully self-sustaining, and require no outside assistance. The prison is run by the Prison Warden and the guards.Shadow's Keep layout: The top levels are less restricted and are allowed to leave their cells to eat in the cafeteria, have jobs to clean, tend to greenhouse, and cook for the inmates and are allowed to talk with other prisoners from the upper levels. The mid levels, just beneath the ground, are allowed limited, supervised cafeteria time but aren't allowed to talk to other inmates and don't have jobs. The lower levels, below sea level, are fully restricted and are locked in their cells permanently. Every cell is unique to every magical being/magic user to keep them imprisoned and prevent any damage to the prison walls. There are 'forgotten' levels of the prison, so deep underground that no light reaches, for immortal and extremely powerful beings and magic users. The occupants of these cells are chained down and left to rot for their crimes.